Get the fuck away from me
Looking at you for too long
Makes every nerve in my body sting
You're just a thorn in my flesh
Get the fuck away from me
You make my capillaries burst
Filling my mind with true hatred
An urge to cut you to pieces
You are a nightmare too real
And still I can't get a stranglehold
You are the shit I crapped today
And still I can't flush you down
Your presence makes me nausious
And still I can't throw you out of my system
You are built of seeds of annoyance
And still I can't pick you up from the ground
I'm blinded by rage
But still too strong to fall
I won't give up
I will see you go down
I call for blood
And summon my hatred to life
It becomes a bloodless golem
That forces you six feet under
From this day forward
I won't take your shit anymore
I won't swallow your lies unchewed
And I won't bleed in vain anymore
From this day forward
Your story will finalize
It's last chapter will be read
And the book will be closed forevermore
||Get the fuck away from me
Looking at you for too long
Makes every nerve in my body sting
You're just a thorn in my flesh
You are a nightmare too real
And still I can't get a stranglehold
You are the shit I crapped today
And still I can't flush you down||