
Space & Time 11.01.2024


"Space & Time", julkaistu 2019 EP:llä "Angel Falls" ja tässä uudelleenmiksattuna versiona vuodesta 2022. Myös suoratoistopalveluissa sekä Bandcampissä. Alun perin kappale on sävelletty v. 2000, tosin ei siitä jäänyt muuta kuin soinnit.

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Action Speak 04.02.2023


Myös saatavilla kaikissa suoratoistopalveluissa! "Action Speak" sai alkunsa ajatuksesta, että teot kertovat enemmän kuin sanat. Sanoitukset olivat sen verran hauskat, että oli pakko keksiä niille vauhdikas diskokappale. Kuullaan päähenkilön mahtavat ajatukset kun hän liikkuu tanssilattialla.

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Curse Of Man 31.01.2016


Nothing better than a good old breaking-up song to get over it. Let her go, she's a curse to every man. The song peaked at 47th place in the Mikseri.net charts (18th in the Pop charts). Note that this song's 2022 remaster will be available on all major streaming platforms and on Bandcamp!

9   2 423 kuuntelua

Modern World 23.01.2016


Finally, after all the soundtracks, a new vocal pop piece. Yes, much time passed in this Modern World since my previous release. Actually, so much time that back then times were less modern than now. This is a re-recorded version of the 2014 one, and I am finally happy with it.

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New Wave

Anywhere 27.05.2007


Follow me as we take a journey into the darker regions of our thoughts and our imagination. Think of nightmares; think of shapes you cannot see and yet you can... and you can't hide. Anywhere.

8.5   0 2206 kuuntelua

Too Old To Be Shy 04.08.2005


Being shy is okay. It means you're a nice person. Being too shy ain't good. This song is about being too shy but not losing one's positive view on life. (10 September 2002) For a long time, "Too Old To Be Shy" was the most popular of my songs. It peaked at #449 in the Pop/Rock charts in week 05/2006 (thanks everybody!) and has been on the way back down ever since.

9.25   3 2107 kuuntelua

Spark (This Can't Be Love) 13.07.2006


This song was very long in the making and goes all the way back to November 1998 when I composed it in a hotel room while on a business trip. From that time, only the harmonies, most of the lyrics, and the bass line remained (courtesy of Cakewalk's WinJammer). The rest has been redone over the years, Today I was finally happy with the results. Enjoy! The song peaked at #385 in the Pop charts in week 39/2006.

9   2 1275 kuuntelua

Whistle In The Dark 19.05.2006


Don't whistle in the dark. At least switch on the lights. :) This song features Perhama a.k.a Sami Nurminen on drums (big thanks!) - check out his bands CONED SPHERE and ETO here on mikseri.net! Finishing this one off took a while, mostly because of me being overly pedantic with the background harmony vocals and the song's ending. I hope we nailed it down well, let us know what you think!

9.6   4 1851 kuuntelua

Vampires! 13.11.2005


A piece composed by Kari Särkijärvi (guit) and me. This is the final revamped version (therefore also called "Vampires Revamped"). The song went through three versions: First a demo, then a version with improved drums (see the Demo version below), and finally the completed song with a sonically enhanced guitar track. Thanks also go to J. Pekka Mäkelä (www.yrttimaa.net) for the Rickenbacker bass samples.

8.8   5 1753 kuuntelua

Should I Leave? 02.12.2006


After releasing the demo (below on this page) finalizing of this version took over a year. I completely re-recorded the vocals, which was pretty straightforward, but re-mixing the whole thing was a bit long and tedious. But most importantly, I'm much happier with this version than with the demo, and am happy to have done it. In a way this song meant much to me since it had brought me back to my songwriting/composing hobby in summer 2005. Time to move on to new songs now! :)

9.5   0 1403 kuuntelua

Don't You Ever 04.08.2005


Will you ever realize it's over? When confrontation is all that's left, it means time has come... to go (01 November 2001). The vocal effects got quite some acclaim, so I address my thanks to Sinus for his filter effect plugin "MultiLens" (available at www.sinusweb.de).

9.25   3 1677 kuuntelua

Who Am I? 14.08.2005


The basis of this song was composed in 1998 when I had just moved to Finland. It wasn't before December 2001 however that I finished working on it (arrangement, recording). This is the edited short version, the original's length is 6:04 (see below).

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Cyberlin (Welcome To The City) 19.08.2005


This was my first fully-digital recording and makes extensive use of vocoder effects and 80ies-style gated drums. (Phil Collins, anyone?) For the collectors of trivia out there, this is the opening song for a short story I never completed. And going against all rules of show business, this song (composed in 1997, recorded in 1999 and finished in December 2001) precedes the release of the story. Plans are to release the completed story as a Visual Novel in 2022-2023.

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Hear Da News 06.08.2005


An older, improvised jazzy instrumental piece, originally from 1997, redone in December 2001. Nice, laid-back feeling and very different from my other songs.

9   1 1300 kuuntelua

Who Am I? (Long Version) 01.09.2005


This song is published here for the first time since it was made in December 2001. It is the original long version of "Who Am I?" (see above). In the end, many proposed to cut the ending off. Here is the full song, you decide which one you like more! :)

9   1 991 kuuntelua

Many Words 07.10.2005


Nostalgy time! This piece introduces us to my pre-digital era when I still recorded on a 4-track tape recorder (no computers except for MIDI). "Many Words" is from my 1997 demo tape "Words Are Nothing". Enjoy!

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Light Rock

Words Of Nothing 23.10.2005


More nostalgy! "Words Of Nothing" was the 1st track on my 1997 demo tape "Words Are Nothing". Let me know if you want to hear more of my old tracks. :)

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Should I Leave? (Demo) 07.08.2005


"Should I Leave?" was released for the first time on August 7th 2005. Moving, renovation hassles and work assignments abroad had kept me from composing for nearly two years. So this song was the beginning of a new and hopefully long creative phase. A new mix of this song (mainly new vocals) is already completed, see above.

8   5 1626 kuuntelua

Vampires! (Demo) 21.08.2005


The previous version of "Vampires", see above for the final version. This version already contains re-recorded vocals and modified drum parts. The Rickenbacker bass samples were kindly provided by J. Pekka Mäkelä (www.yrttimaa.net).

8.5   3 1265 kuuntelua
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