Progressive Trance

Cometh Pan-STARRS 2013 13.03.2013


All tracks improvised simultaneously by "wrong hand-single finger" technique.
Ableton Live intro 8.. + 4 x Synth1

9   0 92 plays
New Age

Cometh ISON - Eyes On 05.11.2012


Ableton Live Intro 8.3.
Synth 1 vst (freeware)
STS-11 v.1.01 (freeware)

9   0 82 plays
Chill Out

FuckUShima Nuclear Plantation 16.08.2012


Piano + string live recording.
Vsthost + MDA Piano + Synth1 + Glaceverb

9   0 99 plays
New Age

Nibiru - Late Arrival 12.10.2011


Painoin taas kokeeksi rec-nappulaa
ja soittelin vasurilla tietokonenäppikseltä
VST hostia, jossa 3kpl Ichiro Todan Synth1 syntikoita ja reverbbi.
Kerralla purkkiin.

9   0 113 plays

Singular Minimalism 24.06.2011


Played by Synth1 from computer keyboard. No mixers or trackers used.

9   0 138 plays

Biisi5 30.06.2011


Remedy + Synth1 VST-syntikat taas vasurilla soitettuna kerralla purkkiin.

9   0 131 plays
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