elämänkaarensa päässä kaikille leluille tulee mieleen ajatella miksi ne on alunperin luotu, jos niitä ei kukaan halua.
Kaikki saundit ja sämplet on ite äänitettyjä. Tää on niinku bändiäänityksistä leikattu ja noi elektroonisetkin saundit on leluja joita on sörkitty ja äänitetty.
hyppiä kokoajan korkeammalle. päästää irti tasosta ja nousta. kaikki putoaa kuitenki lopuks.
Kristiinas poem, Jannes guitars, Els random words, my bass, drums, synths, effects and mix.
need a push? this is the chillout tune with the hottest guitar riff ever. Julius came up with that I'm just a producer.
me and Julius were just jamming one day and we came up with this track.
computers become living entities and all sorts of hell breaks loose.
this is a chillout song i made for a party. people didnt really even notice it.
An old track me and janne made. was supposed to have a flute but I sort of forgot about everything.
READY FOR SOME NUT CRUSHING ACTION? (Default value, click to edit)
This is a tribute to the legendary old chinese tv show about the monkey king.
kokokoko ajan :)