The hiSTORY of these songs is as grazy as the whole story...
These songs we're born in a explosion energies
collide when Ibi & Mic met 2007 summer, using Rod Rodeo´s portable mini studio, songs were done to that point in 2 weeks.
When going to finish those songs (mix, master, polishing the sounds etc..) They found out all those songs had disappeared from hard drive. Everybody was like " Whatta ¤£*#?" They were really upset & crushed down. Rodeo's ass was literally kicked by Ibi, cause his being drunk at those crucial moments when transporting the Data from mini studio to computer had probably something to do with those missing tracks. He even went to hospital to check if He had some broken bones 'cause His back hurted, He was lucky there was no.
Luckily there was one copy of those songs on a used c-cassette, that the keyboardist Roze had as a training material. So what You hear here is those unfinished songs saved from that old c-cassette turned to digital form... got it? ............................................... Enjoy with candles, red wine & sweet psychedelic romance
Ibi Love, Sobi Sweet, Roze Jane, Mic Helzandra & Rod Rodeo
Idolit/vaikutteet:Ibi Mifusa Love High Class Productions Ibi Love & HC Dollz 2009 Ibi & Mic, Ibi Mifusa Love La Crue. 1. My Pic 2. My Cut 3. My Idea 4. My Material /Our 5. My Song 6. Our Song 7. Our Love 8. Our Rules 9. OUR Agreament/arQument 10. Our Freedom 11. My id, Ibi Mifusa Love
High Class Productions
Ibi Love & HC Dollz 2007
Ibi & Mic, Ibi Mifusa Love La Crue.
1. My Pic
2. My Cut
3. My Idea
4. My Material /Our
5. My Song
6. Our Song
7. Our Love
8. Our Rules
9. OUR Agreament/arQument
10. Our Freedom
11. My identity / Our
12. My filosofy / Our
12. Our Plan
13. Our Safetyness
14. Planets Safetyness
15. Our Privatism
16. Our Peace
17. Wellfare
18. Moral / Production Plans , Ways, Politics.
19. Product /Pre Sale ,
20. Responsibility
21. Human rigts and cosmic laws about freedom and cultural behavior
understanding cultural differnties. Respecting the soul.
21. Comitment for highest bossible education/ developemat in all levels and newerending standards.
/ being Bart of creating Human Culture in Da Harmonious Beauty and Natural Organic Freahsdom Again.
22. respect the beauty of The Great everythiG/ Respect Your Beuty and UniQuenes
23. Pleace Avoid Asselerate
24. Pleace avoid Haste
25. Pleace Avoid (Do NOT! -Because of your karma) accelerate too fast. (Mix PiX)
26. Gods Great inspiration, spirale
27. Truth
28. Faith to Your Hart
29. Strong Will
30. Pure Mind /Work On It Beibe.
31. Inlightment
KinGdom Of Heawn - The Higest Low Of Love
Love Is Forever - aaa ~ Wo ~Men
Hale To The KinG, Hale To The God, Hale To The Queen To The King God To The Hale.
The Pope
LovinG the ExiTenCe Here With You! Organic, we left everything in..
Maailma ON Valmis Tälle
???X X Ihanaaa.
Puhdistavaa X !!
Thank You, We never
stopped... polishing Our
musical swords.. I think
We\'re gonna make so
amazing stuff with
TRIANGLEZ Soul Pirates
Crew, very soon :) and
lotta LUV 4 all
viitoittamaamme tietä X
X <3
As The Many human OiD Souls Were Drowned And All most Died On The Sea Of Love, We Safe them All Among Ourselves.
written and arranged
- Ibi Love and Mic Helzandra
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wau. ihastuttavan selkeää linjaa edustaa erotuomari. kuulostaa aivan vililtä....