


Drakmin 06.06.2010

All tracks sent for mastering. Some work left on the cover art. Thanks for being patient! :D

morton 13.05.2010

hello again drakmin still awaiting your new cd any time soon but i asume since its not released before this summer i asume the cd can be released earliest at the end of august early september morton

Drakmin 10.05.2010

http://www.centaurimusic .com/catalogue/catacen/a c0009cd/ac0009cd.html nekomimi's song full version

Drakmin 27.04.2010

drakmin at gmail dot com

Ville 27.04.2010

Hei, Onko jotain sähköpostiosoitetta, johon voisin laittaa postia? Olisi asiaa yhdestä kappaleestasi, jota haluaisin käyttää eräästä tapahtumasta kuvatussa promokoosteessa. :) Terv. Ville Viinikainen ville.viinikainen.kie@ja JAMK / VIESTIN

pontte 06.04.2010


Galaxion fan 01.04.2010

This music is just incredible!! WOW!! This is easily the best music I have EVER,heard in the spacesynth genre. Now where is the album :-)

valde 27.03.2010

Kasari on pop! hyvää kamaa!

Drakmin 05.02.2010

I'm happy to inform that all tracks on album are new. All tracks are also finished! Nekomimi's song is on album, that was released as a short preview.

morton 26.01.2010

hello again galaxion i have a wish for your new album that none of the tracks in downlod listen section will be in the new album only brand new tracks well this you galaxionpeople know more about well anyway i will buy the cd anyway but much more exieting

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