No Tortonoids Harmed.
Back To The Ocean Did The Fisherman Him Send Yes Indeedio.
Naahootettu MP3/Sanelukone-uskomattomuusmenetelmällä,
under the influence of the sponsor: UPPER TEN whisky
Tear me down a rainbow, while you're up there on the stack /
Give it to a sailor, hope he doesn't break his back //
Don't pass it to strangers, they will only lose it good /
Tell him to put her somewhere, heat cant make her dissappear//
Dislocated shoulder dropped my errandboy right where he was at,
now everything's lost.../
Sleeping volcanoes..and oil just seems to last,
we should be gone by now //
Hätäinen Lärpytys, joka later on ripustautui kappaleeseen THISTLE PILLOW pt.2...jota nyt toistaiseksi ei vielä ole tähän verkkoon saatu pyydystettyä.
(väli "spiikki" on Mr.Michael Clarke Duncan)