Heavy Metal

Metalution (The Heavy Metal Survivor Returns) 04.10.2022


One of the most bands of all times is finally back with an absolute thunderstorm of heavy metal hits and pure destruction of eardrums. Over 60 minutes of ass clapping that will leave absolutely every single being in the universe begging for more. The Kings of Memetal are back!

-   0 40 plays
Heavy Metal

Too Cool For School 04.10.2022


Eat some ass and smoke some grass at the back of the class. That's what my grandma always used to say.

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Heavy Metal

Rock Solid 04.10.2022


A hefty combination of all your favorite artists in one big pile of shit. There's at least 42 different songs "hidden" in there.

-   0 45 plays
Heavy Metal

Pussy Fever 04.10.2022


I've got a disease that's only cured by a pescatarian diet.

-   0 37 plays
Heavy Metal

There's No Song Here 04.10.2022


Seriously, there's nothing here.

Oh wait it was a cover of Sandman's hit song "Smairing" straight from 2006.

-   0 35 plays
Heavy Metal

Steel On My Wheel 04.10.2022


Push the pedal to the metal.

-   0 42 plays
Heavy Metal

Happy Me(t)al 04.10.2022


You'd think my mom would understand.

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Heavy Metal

Kings of Memetal 04.10.2022


The greatest, craziest and greasiest band didn't make up this title for nothing.

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Heavy Metal

My Heaven is in Your Arms 04.10.2022


The final song ending this nuclear weapon of an album with a blast.

To be continued...?

-   0 41 plays
Heavy Metal

Bionicles [Are Back in Town] 10.12.2018


Let's fuckin' waste 'em with this masterpiece of album. First of it's kind. This marks a new era for history of metal! This shit doesn't stop with it's carnage for a second, it's pure annihilation from top to bottom. Buy, borrow, beg, or if necessary, steal this album.

-   0 238 plays
Heavy Metal

Two Is My Number One 30.12.2020


Rosy cheeks ready for the ride of a lifetime

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Heavy Metal

Motherfucking Whore 10.12.2018


Whore is my name and ur mom is my game.

8   0 191 plays
Heavy Metal

Untitled.mp3 16.10.2020


A banging cover from another BitchArt Productions giant; Power Goblin. http://www.mikseri.net...

-   0 89 plays
Heavy Metal

Threesome (With My Wife and Daughter) 29.10.2020


And this is where we part our ways for now. Couldn't wish for a better ending for an album.

-   0 210 plays
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