Music & Lyrics ( Isoaho, Peiponen, Pörrö) 1st solo (Pörrö), 2nd solo (Pörrö), 3th solo (Isoaho), 4th solo (Pörrö) , 5th solo (Isoaho), 6th solo (Pörrö) Melody parts both, 7th solo (Isoaho)
New Donatello song without vocals.
Rising from the Sewers
Music & Lyrics (Isoaho, Pörrö)
1st solo Pörrö 2nd solo Isoaho
Rising from the Sewers
Music & Lyrics (Isoaho, Pörrö)
1st solo Isoaho, 2nd solo Pörrö, Melody section: first Pörrö then both, 3rd solo Pörrö, 4th solo Isoaho
Rising from the Sewers
Music & Lyrics (Isoaho, Pörrö)
1st solo Isoaho, Melody section: both, 2nd solo Pörrö.
Rising from the Sewers
Music & lyrics (Isoaho,Peiponen,Pörrö)
1st solo Isoaho, 2nd solo Pörrö, Melody section: both
Rising from the Sewers
Music & Lyrics (Isoaho, Pörrö)
1st solo Isoaho 2nd solo Pörrö
viikon päästä starttaa Donatellon Hit The Streets EPeen äänitykset!