A rumbling track with a chorus that sounds like mutated Maiden. The end section features an Iommi-influenced double solo.
A fast and intense song, featuring our new guitar player Israel Real!
An "epic" track, a journey to insanity, influenced by the Tony Martin era of Black Sabbath and the vocal harmonies of Alice in Chains and Virgin Steele.
A bludgeoning, slowish mid-tempo song, with Sabbath-style riffing, roaring vocals and some harmony choirs, rumbling bass, and an intricate midsection reminiscent of Pantera and Metallica.
A seven-minute slab of plodding doom and gloom with some harmony solos.
A moderately fast, pummeling track with interlocking riffs and kick/snare patterns in the vein of Pantera and Megadeth.
A short and snappy track, melodic and aggressive, with some Maiden-ish bass work.
Kaikki tuli kuunneltuu ja on muuten asiallista musaa. Keep it up \\m/