Death Metal

Execution 08.03.2008


Your life for a transgression you didn't commit
They will take you away from this misery
Mercifully yours, keeping you in waiting
Locked inside your mind, knowing you will die
Death row - you deserve
For you decided to mingle
With humans and their justice
That you suddenly are denied
Rot in the hell of their making
Until you cease to exist
If there was appeal, you'd never know
Your life was ruined forever

-   0 229 kuuntelua
Death Metal

Planar Journey 08.03.2008


Against the tide of a cosmic chaos
Repulsed by the death dimension throne
A door to another world ajar
The door of perception dead
The darkness beyond the stars
Beyond the beginning and the end
A planar journey beyond the void
Alone upon starwings starving
All hope and wisdom is like
A door to the saturnian wastes
Under the cytherean eclipse
The void beyond all void
Where the methane snow falls
Beyond space and beyond time
Perhaps another world begins
Beyond self-deception and lies

-   0 190 kuuntelua
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