Satanic Black Metal

Iron Age 01.04.2008


This song from our "Barren Well" trilogys third album called: Barren Well which is on top of the Deserted Hill and has to Death Starved Pagan Corpses around it after God Smashed them Down with his Iron Fist III: Iron Age. Whole album is one long story about mans fate, after killing some people.

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The Chair Of Judas 03.04.2008


Song from our "Barren Well" trilogys third part, Iron Age. The tale of mans fate is ending. This track is telling murderers last hours and his feelings during the torturing with torturing device called Judas Chair. This song is slow and painful!!! (Growling sounds horrible, becouse my microphone sucks. Re-recorded version coming soon, with better sounds)

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Valley Of Dead Goats 01.04.2008


Another song from our grindcore album, The Goat Jesus

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Rotten Goat 29.04.2008


Saga about decayed and rotten goat corpse. Song from Goat Jesus Album.

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Raped Goat 01.04.2008


This song is from our grindcore album The Goat Jesus. The name of this song is telling all!

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Power Metal

Jesus Cums 01.04.2008


Tale about Jesus and his intervention to youngsters. This song is from our first album, The Curse Of The Virgin Earth.

-   0 221 kuuntelua
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