Progressive Metal

Unrealized Reality 1|2 07.10.2012


2nd track from Infinite Event EP.

S. Autio: vocals, guitars, bass ja synths
R. Tuomikanto: drums
R. Kokkonen & J. Pesonen: synths

(Music: S. Autio/M. Vedenpää, lyrics: S. Autio)

-   0 299 plays
Melodic Death

Promethean Eyes 07.10.2012


3rd track from Infinite Event EP.

S. Autio: vocals, guitar, bass
M. Vedenpää: guitar
R. Tuomikanto: drums
R. Kokkonen: synths

(Music: M. Vedenpää/S. Autio, lyrics: R. Kokkonen)

-   0 251 plays
Melodic Death

Invariable 07.10.2012


5th track from Infinite Event EP.

S. Autio: vocals, guitars, bass and synths
R. Tuomikanto: drums
R. Kokkonen: synths

(Music & lyrics: S. Autio)

-   0 268 plays
Melodic Death

Herald 07.10.2012


6th track from Infinite Event EP.

S. Autio: vocals, bass
M. Vedenpää: guitars
R. Tuomikanto: drums
R. Kokkonen: synths

(Music: M. Vedenpää, lyrics: R. Kokkonen)

-   0 218 plays

12min_remaster 20090523 21.10.2011


Originally from around 2000, some vocals added 2004. GM-drummer

-   0 314 plays
Progressive Metal

Silent (Remix 2008) 30.09.2008


ajankuluksi uudelleen miksattua Silenciota Severi-demolta.

8   1 737 plays

Käteen (treenit 20/03/07) 14.11.2007


At last! The legendary"Käteen" from Causemos' wide live repertoire as reheaersal tape version. Collect the whole set or listen or download and listen! Includes the latest line-up (ja me kaikki vedettiin *biisin nimi*). Was this the final drop? Read more from seurakuntasanomat.

9   2 1567 plays
Melodic Death

Arboretum (treenit 20/03/07) 14.11.2007


Incl. the latest line-up. Can't win 'em all, not even at the horse race.

-   0 756 plays
Melodic Death

Words Unspoken, Pt. 1 (treenit 20/03/07) 14.11.2007


Recorded straight into our recording PC, life is. Incl. the latest line-up. Who stole Simo's distortion after the solo?!?

-   0 535 plays
Melodic Death

Drowning in Tears (treenit 15/03/07) 16.11.2007


Recorded to our recording PC. Latest line-up, without keyboards. Naks!

10   1 556 plays
Progressive Metal

Unrealized Reality, pts. 1 & 2 13.04.2007


New, demo's demo, drum machine, hectic, cosmic, no bass guitar., if some drummer wants to see why the song is slower here than live.

S. Autio: kitara & laulu
J. Pesonen: koskettimet
PC: rummut

(Comp. S. Autio/M. Vedenpää, lyr. S. Autio)

9.33   2 1284 plays
Melodic Death

With the Pain 12.05.2007


1st track from Severed Senses Combined (Demo '06).

S. Autio: guitar, vocals & keyboards
M. Vedenpää: guitar
P. Johansson: bass
R. Tuomikanto: drums & percussions

(Comp. & lyr. by M. Vedenpää)

9   1 1226 plays
Fantasy Metal

Silent 12.05.2007


2nd track from Severed Senses Combined (Demo '06).

S. Autio: guitar, vocals & keyboards
M. Vedenpää: guitar
P. Johansson: bass
R. Tuomikanto: drums & percussions

(Comp. by R. Kokkonen/M. Vedenpää/Causemos, lyr. by R. Kokkonen)

-   0 875 plays
Progressive Metal

Arboretum 12.05.2007


3rd track from Severed Senses Combined (Demo '06).

S. Autio: guitar, vocals & keyboards
M. Vedenpää: guitar
P. Johansson: bass
R. Tuomikanto: drums & percussions

(Comp. by S. Autio/Causemos, lyr. by R. Kokkonen/S. Autio)

10   1 811 plays
Älä kuuntele missään nimessä!

Arbertum (kotidemo 2006) 12.09.2008


Ennen Severede Sensesiä, laulut 2006, taustat muinoin.

drum prog: R. Tuomikanto, muut: S. Autio

-   0 491 plays
Melodic Metal

Intertwined 01.02.2007


From unreleased "snotty demo" '04. Originally from Inthral's unreleased Intertwined #1 (demo '07), replayed with no guitar solo.

S. Autio: guitar, vocals, bass & keyboards
R. Tuomikanto: drums & percussions

(Lyr. by M. Vedenpää/S. Autio)

9   2 776 plays
Melodic Death

Prometheus Eyes (himademo 18/05/04) 03.08.2007


Drum programming: R. Tuomikanto, else: S. Autio

9.33   3 776 plays
Heavy Metal

Blind in the Dark 16.07.2006


From unreleased "snotty demo" '04. Originally from Inthral's Reborn (demo '96), renamed (ex-Gods of War), rearranged and replayed.

S. Autio: guitar, vocals, bass & keyboards
R. Tuomikanto: drums & percussions

(Comp. & lyr. by S. Autio)

8.5   4 1367 plays
Melodic Death

With the Pain 15.06.2007


From unreleased "snotty demo" '04.

S. Autio: guitar, vocals, bass & keyboards
R. Tuomikanto: drums & percussions

(Comp. & lyr. by M. Vedenpää)

-   0 437 plays

Regressive Initiation (Prologue) 02.08.2006


1st track from demo '01.

M. Vedenpää: programming

(Comp. by M. Vedenpää)

-   0 657 plays
Melodic Death

Drowning in Tears 19.06.2005


2nd track from demo '01.

S. Autio: guitar & vocals
M. Vedenpää: guitar
P. Ervonmaa: bass
R. Kokkonen: keyboards
R. Tuomikanto: drums & percussions

(Comp. & lyr. by M. Vedenpää/S. Autio)

9.38   8 1978 plays
Fantasy Metal

Darklit Skies 19.06.2005


3rd track from demo '01.

S. Autio: guitar & vocals
M. Vedenpää: guitar
P. Ervonmaa: bass
R. Kokkonen: keyboards
R. Tuomikanto: drums & percussions

(Comp. & lyr. by S. Autio/M. Vedenpää)

9   3 1846 plays
Symphonic Black Metal

Delusion 19.06.2005


4th track from demo '01.

S. Autio: guitar & vocals
M. Vedenpää: guitar
P. Ervonmaa: bass
R. Kokkonen: keyboards
R. Tuomikanto: drums & percussions

(Comp. & lyr. by M. Vedenpää/S. Autio)

9.2   4 1810 plays
Melodic Metal

Less Than Nothingness 02.08.2006


5th track from demo '01.

S. Autio: guitar, vocals & keyboards
M. Vedenpää: guitar
P. Ervonmaa: bass
R. Tuomikanto: drums & percussions

(Comp. by P. Ervonmaa, lyr. by M. Vedenpää)

10   1 798 plays

Celestial Conclusion (Epilogue) 10.08.2006


6th track from demo '01.

M. Vedenpää: programming

(Comp by M. Vedenpää)

9   1 816 plays

Delusion parody (clip) 18.10.2006


We made this little parody tribute to Mikael when we were recording the vocals for demo '01 at Simo's cabin. Enjoy! :D

(Lyr. by S. Autio/R. Tuomikanto)

7   1 672 plays
Melodic Death

Intertwined 24.01.2007


1st track from unreleased Intertwined #2 (demo '97).

S. Autio: guitar & vocals
M. Vedenpää: guitar & backing vocals
P. Ervonmaa: bass
R. Tuomikanto: drums

(Lyr. by M. Vedenpää)

-   0 529 plays
Melodic Death

Victimizing Humanity 24.01.2007


4th track from unreleased Intertwined #2 (demo '97).

S. Autio: guitar & vocals
M. Vedenpää: guitar
P. Ervonmaa: bass & backing vocals
R. Tuomikanto: drums

(Lyr. by M. Vedenpää)

-   0 528 plays

Immanence 24.01.2007


a: Aurora Borealis
b: Conflicting Tranquillity
c: (In the) Vicinity of Death
d: Aurora Australis

6th track from unreleased Intertwined #2 (demo '97).

M. Vedenpää: guitar

(Comp. by M. Vedenpää)

-   0 598 plays
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