Death Metal

Enslave The Enslavers 10.07.2006


3.8.2007: 1000 dl's today! Thanks to our legions of fans for listening!

First cut from the new AD demo. Took some doing but we got it done.

So rise from the Underwear!

8.43   12 2567 plays
Death Metal

Burn Forever 27.05.2008


Kaksi minuuttia kuoloa: laadusta tinkimättä, kuulijoita säästämättä.

9   1 572 plays
Death Metal

Throne Of Ereshkigal 10.07.2006


Here's another gentle and melodic ditty from the 3rd AD demo. Aah, the soothing sounds of death.

6.5   1 775 plays
Death Metal

The Unworthy 10.07.2006


The final new tune from the 3rd demo. Short and to the point, as always.

9   1 679 plays
Death Metal

Mutilation of a Decapitated Corpse 05.03.2006


The first ever AD song from years ago, back when we still used 4-track analog machines.

Ain't exactly high tech or hight art but what the fuck...Time for some Magical Reggae!

8   1 1190 plays
Death Metal

Cell Mutation Experiment 24.06.2006


More stuff from the early 4-track days.

-   0 502 plays
Death Metal

Entrenched In Pain 05.03.2006


The first song from AD's second demo, Deathly Seeking War. Slightly more refined than the early stuff, emphasis on the word _slightly_.

8.5   0 810 plays
Death Metal

Whispering Death 05.03.2006


Another cut from the 2nd demo. A bit creepier and with perhaps more nuances than usual.

7.5   1 657 plays
Death Metal

Concussion Bomb 24.06.2006


Let the Slaybellz ring out!!! Previously unheard (yet still as old as bobsledding) AD available. Toisen demon biisejä.

9   1 539 plays
Death Metal

Transcend the Carnage 05.03.2006


Lopuksi reilun minuutin rynkytys samaiselta DSW-demolta. Mihin on tultu? No siihen, mistä lähdettiin.

8   0 536 plays
Death Metal

Enslave the Enslavers (2009) 13.04.2009


Aargh!!! Samaa scheissea uusilla vokaaleilla.

8   1 497 plays
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