Sometimes two minds just think alike. It so happened, that when Anna and Miki first started talking, they instantly knew they were somehow connected. Miki had composed few songs with acoustic guitar, and when he showed them to Anna she immediately felt like singing to them. In the beginning of 2012 they completed their very first songs together. First live gig took place on May 23rd at club Dubrovnik in Helsinki. The audience was amazed by the magical tunes these two had created. Since then Anna & Miki have played several gigs together and recorded a 3-track live demo; "Summer sessions", in July 2012. In August Anna & Miki spent five weeks travelling in Nepal; collecting inspiration and stories for the new songs. In early October they started working on the recordings of their very first album! Anna & Miki can also be seen on live gigs during the autumn - check out the gig calendar for latest information! You can also read the Blog to see what's going on with these two.
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