
Behind the Universe 27.11.2024


VarovAIsta kokeilua. Alunperin biisi jo 2010 tehy.

Behind the Universe:

Let the music take you along
Travel by using the melodies
passing all the Galaxies
And when there's nothing
in front of you anymore
Just only dark nothing

"then turn around
and admire the beautiful view"

The universe is what you see now
If you like to stay for while
you can enjoy your sight

but follow the notes
Notes are the key to survive and live

When you're back home,
remember this experience
because it has always been your dream

and you can always travel by using the melodies
Just let the music take...

-   0 85 kuuntelua

Dystopian World 15.12.2024


We were offered a Utopia
It was just within reach
for a moment
Then what happened?
We were supposed to turn right
but we turned wrong
There were a few self-interested man
and a bunch of either idiots or masochists
Only Dystopia was good for them
And they got Dystopia

Dystopian World
Dystopian World
Dystopian World

-   0 17 kuuntelua
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