Spacelife Attitude: The Stench of the Wicked Planetsurfaces, Pt. I.
Historia: Unearthly creatures, unknown to all men, abducted Matthew in the middle of his nightly seismographic laserbeam research. He was tortured and manipulated by horrible ways, fed with human vessels and innards, cosmaforced to cosmaco-operate in something what we will someday call The World End.
However, as they say, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. As Matthew was kindly brought back to Earth, he quickly realised how fast he was gaining superhuman intelligency. Now it's time to share the future with the happily unaware people of the world.
Jäsenet: Matthew Watts, the abducted one! (Terahbyhhahoetornuemouesos as his Abducted Name)
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