Black Metal

Chaos And Suffering (Intro) 17.12.2004


intro, joka tämäkin viimeistelemätön.

8.6   5 1732 kuuntelua
Black Metal

The Damnation Of Dominating Humanity 17.12.2004


Pahasti viimeistelemätön, mutta välttää taas hetken. Lyriikka:

abhorrence against this weakling community
they breed from seed of god

now is a time to make a change
this all will burn today

in my anger, everything dissappears
my weapons are stronger than steel
i am so mighty upon my need
to damnate all humanity

stars above me flees in fear
holy spirits cries for mercy of mine

in eternal fire we will all gain that what we deserve
in heavenly supreme court you will fail yourselves
so please go in hell

stars above me flees in fear
holy spirits cries for mercy of mine

the heartless...

8.33   10 2742 kuuntelua
Black Metal

Devastate The Celeste 17.12.2004


Pahasti viimeistelemätön.

Signs of the greater world
it is really near
death is laid everywhere
take a final step
to achieve the final destination

screaming children listen!
the harmageddon has reached us
this is the day when the heavenly joy ends
your god has failed again

on pitch-black sky
rays of silver moon
cannot reach our polluted atmosphere
aborted are the angels from now on

this day will be last in celeste
glory and light will be gone forever
sorrow and despair fills the hearts of wrongful
forsaken heaven falls

screaming children listen!
the harmageddon has reached...

9   5 2006 kuuntelua

( My Mortification ) 03.03.2004


Improvisoitu grindcore nakuttelu.

Hessu - Guitar
Infegroth - Drums
Aetheral - Vocals

7.86   6 2143 kuuntelua
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