
Damn 08.04.2008



Oh no oh boy why did I have to give it up?
Oh no the attraction never seems to stop
Hell why did I have to go and give it up mess it up I think I really like u...

1. Just woke up in your bed you were laying here beside me, finally u got what u wanted I'll take my clothes and I'll find my phone solong
Damn, what happened last night what the hell was I thinking shouldn't mess around with feelings u can't deal with I'll take my coat and I'll take my bag and I'll go.

Oh no oh boy why did I have to give it up?
Oh no the attraction never seems to stop
Hell why did I have to go and...

9.5   6 1189 kuuntelua

Celebrityhorny 12.06.2007


Haha this song is about celebrityhorny people who say or do anything just to get close to famous people;)

9.17   16 1766 kuuntelua

Gold is what you are 14.03.2007


A song that lies close to my heart...

Lyrics/melody: Siri Nyberg Production: Roger Ojala (Oletusarvo, paina muokataksesi)

9.53   11 1543 kuuntelua

Don't wanna say goobye 13.03.2007


I hate goodbyes....Lyrics/melody made by: Siri Nyberg Production: Roger Ojala

10   7 1801 kuuntelua

Done with love 13.03.2007


The beat is made by a swedish producer called Of PerZia and lyrics/melody made by me: Production: Roger Ojala
It's not ready thou' the singing is not that good because I had a cold when we recorded it:(

9.75   4 1450 kuuntelua

Leave me the hell alone 13.03.2007


A breakupsong written by an angry me:) (lyrics/melody):Siri Nyberg Production: Roger Ojala

8   2 1154 kuuntelua
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