The Myth Of Autumn is:
Arzka: Vocals
Pasi: Guitar
Jani: Guitar
Anssi: Bass
O.D.: Keyboards
Pablo: Drums
The Myth of Autumn, also known as TMOA, follows the footprints of finnish metal pioneers and at the same time seeks new paths for them to follow. The band really brings the scene of finnish, melancholy-flavoured, but fast, melodic metal the young blood and talent it has been craving for.
The Story of The Myth of Autumnin goes back to the year 2002 when Ari and Pasin decided to record a couple of songs they had come up with. And because making songs and not playing them live sucks big time the guys started to find the missing members to the band. Soon Anssi and Wille were found to play the bass and the drums.
TMOA upgraded into it%u2019s latest line-up in 2006 when Jani replaced HaPa, who served the band succesfully since the year 2004. Otto joined the band a bit earlier, in 2003. After releasing Frustrated- and Closing In %u2013minicd%u2019s TMOA recorded Sinner/Saint-ep (January 2006), which started to show hints of the bands growing potential.
After each of the bands members serving in the finnish defence forces The Myth Of Autumn has been able to play more and more gigs during the past couple of years. The band has already reached an ever-growing group of audience with it%u2019s moody metal, in the summer %u201306 TMOA played a gig in Nummirock, one of the biggest metal festivals in Finland.
The Myth of Autumn is waiting for exploring. People who are already fans of the band and the ones to drown in the cold and rough embrace of their music in the near future are about to face interesting times, not to mention the band them selves. The Myth Of Autumn is ready to take it%u2019s place in the spotlights and to leave it%u2019s unique and indelible mark to the scene of finnish metal.
Official The Myth Of Autumn-Homepage
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