Power Metal

In the Kingdom of Steel (DEMO) 07.10.2010


Erittäin huonosti tuotettu demo!

10   0 183 kuuntelua
Power Metal

Return of ROUSKU 13.08.2010


ALBUMIN AVAUSRAITA MAKUSTELTAVA NYT! ROUSKUn tuleva albumi tulee siis kuulostamaan soundeiltaan tältä ja meno on rankka! HEART OF STEEL WILL BURN!

Sanat: Kingdom of ROUSKU is awaken from sleep, There’s a wolf among the sheep, Princess is stolen again from her castle, Price Ika is hopeless again Warrior Isap heard the news, On the battlefield he must go, Again he will fight against the forces of evil, Killing with his steel! It must be the demon witch Again kidnapping the princess She want to take her beauty, Warriors will never rest Heart of steel will burn, Like an lesson you must...

10   0 256 kuuntelua
Power Metal

Master of the Fire (DEMO) 11.07.2010


ROUSKU:n kakkosbiisi, joka alkaa vähän raskaammalla riffillä ja pärähtää sitten taas suureen paskuuteensa.

Chase of the evil has taken it’s course,
But what will be behind hells door?
Through the gates of Valhalla our warrior will go,
Only the torture and pain will be shown

He rides through the army, The army of fallen,
He kills them all, Fights ‘till death
On the battlefield of master, the master of fire,
there is no law, Cut of their heads
Baron of hell, The master of fire,
Comes to the fight, Drop them down
Now it’s battle, Against our brave warrior
They’ll fight...

-   0 204 kuuntelua
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