Lives Inside [demo]


Rentoa akustista kitarasoittoa yhdistettynä rauhalliseen biittiin. Seesteinen ja pohdiskeleva tunnelma, joka vie ajatukset merelle, kun sisällä kytee levoton kaipuu seikkailuun. Sävel on haikea mutta lohduttava, ja siinä tuntuu olevan jotain, joka ei koskaan pääse täysin vapaaksi, mutta jonka läsnäolo on aina olemassa.

0.00   2 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

Looking at the docked ships
Makes my heart long to sea
Somewhere deep inside
There's a soul wanting to sail

But reality it's a bit different
I've never been on a ship
And I think I'd hate it
It's just one of those things
Just one of those things
A life that lives inside of you

Looking at the open sea
I hear the siren call beyond
The waves pulling my thoughts
On an adventure

Something new to find
Something to explore
Something waiting under moonlight
Something to bring back home

But reality it's a bit different
I've never been on a ship
And I think I'd hate it
It's just one of those things
Just one of those things
A life that lives inside of you


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