Howls (single edit)

The Declawed | 08.07.2020 | Melodic Death

Single-edit song from our upcoming promo-CD!

8.00   734 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

Who dares, wins.
Who doesn't play, loses.
There's always another adage,
another timeless bubble you cannot burst.

beneath my dick, i found the truth

Hackneyed and trivial advice
from nobody in particular, howls

Wit and will mean nothing when all
bets are off
and a loveless barter of fortune is put into play.

Winning doesn't come cheap
when you can't afford to lose,
miles down the liar's path and left scraping the dirt

Crawl back home with bloodied knees or meet your maker

beneath my dick, i found the truth

Hackneyed and trivial advice
from nobody in particular, howls

Winning doesn't come cheap
when you can't afford to lose,
miles down the liar's path and left scraping the dirt

niin kauan kun elän, kullini on iloni, kunnes kuolema liittomme katkaisee


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Hyvän kuuloista synkkää meininkiä! Soundit on pro-tasoa. Laulutyyli ei tietty nappaa oikein mutta en olekaan death genren fani.. mutta rankalta ja autenttiselta kuulostaa.
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