After all these years, Frank just met his old friend Lele. We sat down together and boy we had some catching up. So, here's Frank Boba tellin' ya all what Lele had to say. Listen carefully - but don't believe everything...
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AnttiJ 25.09.2019 Onpas hauska ja hyväntuulinen biisi! Voin kuvitella kuinka kivaa tätä olisi vetää kaveriporukassa. Perusasiat kunnossa ja hyvä draivi koko ajan päällänsä! Pieni hakeminen muutamassa paikassa ei haittaa mitään kun vedetään oikealla otteella ja livenä. Tuli fiilingistä ihan mieleen 70-luvun alku ja "Seaside suffle" (Terry Dactyl and the Dinosaurs ), jota tuli vedettyä yhdessä raflabändissä. :-D |
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digius 30.12.2018 You sure can pick up Lele's handwriting on this. The only downside was in the very beginning, where I at least thought hearing a little perception of off-beat between the instruments? Having said that, this apparently was like a warm Caribbean breeze blowing over this post-cold-war atmosphere we're facing today (sadly again). Lele's probably the best character, in my mind, announcing " you can't own happiness, but you sure can, and must, reign anxiety". So heil Lele in deed! :-) About the mix: nice sorting of instruments, and my personal preference of full-acoustic ensemble was a big bonus here. |
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vpholkko 29.12.2018 Frank had a nice chat with Lele! |