The Hole

Catarina | 19.03.2018 | Pop

laulu Miira
sanat Miira ja Tackle
sävsov Tackle

10.00   469 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

When I woke up this morning I was out of control
stuck in ten foot apartment, living, living in a hell hole
bedroom is my living room, kitchen is right next to my goddamn bed
and I need to get away from here is only thought in my head

I say fuck this life and all of its glory I'm done
I can't even remember how to have fun
I’d like to leave this shitty old place
and I should keep on running, running ‘till I see the sun
there is nothing left for me but a constant fear that my end is near
am I going to live and then just die in this crappy old hole

This morning was no different from the other mornings before
plenty of reasons but no money, at all, for a visit to a grocery store
I haven’t paid my bills in time, soon they’ll knock on my door asking why
there is no hope no other place to go, no escape from the hole

So I say fuck this life and all of its glory I'm done
I can't even remember how to have fun
I’d like to leave this shitty old place
and I should keep on running, running ‘till I see the sun
there is nothing left for me but a constant fear that my end is near
am I going to live and then just die in this crappy old hole


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Tämä synkkä ja ahdistava murheellisten laulujen maan tunnelma soveltuu oivasti Folia-kierron mollipoljentoon. Tykkään tuosta välispiikkiosiosta, tuo lämpöä, aitoutta, todentuntua ja kosketuspintaa tarinaan. Lopun nätti folkmainen puhallinosuus tuo jostain syystä mieleeni Monty Pythonin 'Always look on the bright side of life', sen 'Don't grumble, give a whistle' sanoma sopii tähän tuomaan valoa shitty lifeen. Kertsiin olisi ehkä voinut tuoda vielä jotain matalataajuksista instrumenttia kuvastamaan tuota kurjuuden alhoa.
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Struggle 19.03.2018
Oikein hyvä. Kuopassa ollaan ja positiivinen asenne on turhaa siinä vaiheessa. Toivoa on kun musiikki soi välillä.
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