
Mark Temple | 14.07.2016 | Hard Rock


I cannot keep my promises, i'm full of lies.
I am selfish, I am mean.
I know that someday i will die, but no one will cry.
I'm devil's child, eternal liar.

Drown me into the sea.
Throw me into the fire.
Brainwash me if you please,
I'm still always a liar.

This was the last time darling i swear, just give me one chance.
I almost believe my own damn lies.
It's so easy but so wrong, like living in trance.
I cannot stop, i'm on fire! NOW!

Drown me into the sea.
Throw me into the fire.
Brainwash me if you please,
I'm still always a liar.

0.00   144 kuuntelua


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