Satan, He Skis To Deathlands And Thence To You

KYRPÄ | 14.07.2015 | Black Metal

Satan, He Skis To Deathlands And Thence To You
(Recorded 19.9.2012, remixed + vocals in 14.7.2015)

He is come fast upon the skis
From the East, South, North and West
He smile at the feeble gallows
Erected just for his great coming

Through black swamps, through the woods
Over the mountains under the dark clouds
Burning through the cities and suburbs
Only one true Satan can ski so fast

One field of battle after another
His dark shadow has touched them all
One weakling mind after another
His desires have set the course
Of all history

Invoke His name
and He has had you since birth
The Great Satan is inside of you
Deathlands are here
And so can you

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