Arkham Asylum

Sanctimonious | 15.03.2004 | Black Metal

Kolmas biisi ensimmäiseltä demolta. Lovecraftisia tunnelmia.

8.33   909 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

Arkham Asylum

Screams of pain
Screams of fear
Screams of horror
Screams of madness

Welcome to the psycho place
The place for the mentally disordered
Where the names of the great old ones
Are written to the walls with blood

Dagon! Hastur!
Tsathoggua! Nyarlathotep!
Cthulhu! Shub-Niggurath!
Yog-Sothoth! Azathoth!

Welcome to the Arkhan asylum!
Welcome to the Arkhan asylum!

Locked behind their doors, but why?
They're already locked inside their minds
Prisoned by their small consciousness
They dealt with matters too huge for them

They've seen the universal horrors
Understood their nothingness
Proven the unearthly might
Know the powers of the great old ones

Welcome to our home
We're all insane!

(In tribute to H.P Lovecraft)


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Lord Night 13.05.2004
Alku on ihan siisti, mutta alkurääkäsy pilaa kaiken. Biisi on jälleen ihan ok, mutta tuntuu että laulut pilaa tunnelman. Varsinki lopussa ääni hajoaa tosi pahasti
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