Frozen Phoenix - Hold of the Beast

Frozen Phoenix | 27.04.2014 | Melodic Metal

New version from "pedon kynissä" with bad solo. Made in one hour.


intro 1x

hold of the beast.
i'm in too deep.
Nothing to see.
only darkness covers me.

No pain or sorrow.
Nothing to gain for,
there is tomorrow.
yet it's the same.

falling down, way too fast
falling down, this won't last

Next day has come.
No sign from the sun.
my soul is numb.
but i'm still hanging on.

there are some things
that keeps me going
but those are not enough
this journey has been tough

i'm falling down, way too fast
i'm falling down, this won't last

i'm falling down, way too fast
i'm falling down, I miss my past.

0.00   106 kuuntelua


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