This Journey PT.VII (The End?)

Mark Temple | 06.02.2014 | Horror

Uuuden "The Temple OF Doom" Demon viimeinen raita, joka on myös samalla this journey tarinan päätös raita!


Kiitokset chardhrosille äänitys avusta!

Drums: Chardhros

I woke up in the morning, i was in sleep. How did this happen to me again?
Or is this a dream, after all, and I was awake before? It feels that everything is a lie.
(just a lie)

Dancing alone in an empty madhouse, maybe i am insane?
I'm waiting for melinda and her friends.
Are they alive, or are they even there? maybe they're inside my head?
I think that this is the end of the play?

I know that this is the end of my miserable life. Why did i ever born?
I know that i have lost control?
This world is better place without me. i have to kill myself again.
I need to get these worms out of my head.

I hear the sirens i look through the window, there is whole police department.
Did i really bury melinda and her baby?
Is my imagination doing these tricks to me again?
I think i have to get out of here?

I know that this is the end of my miserable life. Why did i ever born?
I know that i have lost control?
This world is better place without me. i have to kill myself again.
I need to get these worms out of my head.

This journey has come to it's end. My mind was my only friend.
I have to shoot myself. This is my farewell to you!!!

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