Healer of Hills

Pop No Harm | 13.09.2013 | Folk Rock

Yohioloid ensikokeilussa. Laulu saanut inspiraationsa Runrigin musiikista.

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Kappaleen sanat

Healer of Hills (2013)

I have walked down the green hills of grief
I have dreamt of a righteous relief
I have looked over salvation's sea
but the path of saints isn't for me.

I have walked through the maroon haze moor
I have followed the sorrowful spoor
I have seen all the daring ones drown
now the shyest man carries the thorn crown.

I'm a shamrock shepherd
I'm a balladry bard
I'm a poetic preacher of pagans.
Among daffodils
I'm the healer of hills
descendant of druids from Dunland.

I have walked with the wisdom of wood
I have worshipped the goddess of good
I have learned sacred herbs of the earth
I have climbed the rowan of rebirth.

I have walked to the door of deceased
I have danced through the fires of feast
I have sown hazel seeds of this spring
after abstinence, forty day fasting.




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