New Dawn of Despair


Lähellä lopullista totuutta jo.

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Kappaleen sanat

We roam through hard times
Dark times of hopelesness and fear
Trying to make it out
Trying to be humans
So far story haven't been too pretty
But we are learning

This is a broken society
We are driven by our instincts
Only desiring to survive
In this world
There is no loyalty
There is no empathy
But we're learning

Soon you don't know which one to fear more
The beast that hides in the dark
Or the one that lies in yourself
In the end you find yourself wondering what's right
And what's real
And what is wrong

Never fall
Ever fall
On our way
To save the day
Tomorrow it is all the same

Looking for
Searching for
All in vain
To ease the pain
Tomorrow it is here again

Never fall
Ever fall
On our way
To save the day
Tomorrow it is all the same

Looking for
Searching for
All in vain
To ease the pain
Tomorrow it is here again

It is here again


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