
Haba | 09.02.2013 | Akustinen
9.00   175 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

This is the song about nothing
This is the song about nothing
song about wind in the trees
song about falling in love
song about drinking beer
song about lovely things
hey hey
This is the song about nothing
This is the song about nothing
song about using drugs
song about romance
song about windows and curtains
song about nothing
hey hey

there's laughter in the world
Who cares for my soul
There's pain in the world
Who cares for you

there's laughter in the world
Who cares for my soul
There's pain in the world
No one cares

This is the song about nothing
This is the song about nothing


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Kostiainen 24.02.2013
Herkkä biisi. Hyvin on tunnelma saavutettu pelkällä mies+kitara yhdistelmä. Grunge vaikutteita tosiaan kuultavissa.
+2   +1 +2