Mark's Heart

Mark Temple | 05.02.2013 | Ballad

Surullisen kaunis totuus.


All the things I've done, all the fights with my friends.
Should've left undone in the end.
I fell in love again, it happens to me all the time.
Every single day in my life.

Hearts torn apart. Memories are so true.
They leave their mark, in you.
Inside my heart and inside my mind,
there is too dark. No signs of light.

I saw a dream, i was lonely in love.
Forget! It was real, but now she's gone.
I know that this world is out of control.
Morality has blurred, So i've heared.

Love is gone, hatred came instead.
All I've ever done, means nothing in the end.
All this fucking hate, that burns inside.
I can't take it anymore, it's just not right.

I am fading away and there's nothing else to say.

0.00   316 kuuntelua


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