Lord Of Madness
Vähän erillaista ja uudempaa Free Heart materiaalia. Säv. Niklas Ottelin ja Marko Miinala san. Niklas Ottelin, Erkki Miinala ja Marko Miinala
Showcasessa on happy hours klo 00.00 - 15.00, jolloin sinne nostetut kappaleet saavat +25% lisää näkyvyysaikaa normaaliin verrattuna.
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MIKSERI MAINOS 525264 numeroon 173172 (1,90€)
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Kappaleen sanat
Free Heart: Lord of madness
1. money, how much do you have it
money, they don't really give a shit,
about your human rights, or idealistic fights
we are slaves and money is the master
capitalism is growing harder and faster,
money, maybe you should get it,
money, if you're short just buy with credit
another price and you will be there
god is your friend, you got your place in heaven
and a fucking limousine, that will take you there
who's the lord of madness, who do we all adore
who's the lord of madness, you want it more and more
who's the lord of madness, who's behind every war
who's the lord of madness, who is your lord
2. money, you have to move it
money, only then its making profit
so you can have more and more
of the items you adore, but what is money for,
when you are rotten to the core
3.money, is the lord of madness,
money, please give me your bless,
keep the wheels turning, and keep me earning
in my dead end career, no use to fight,
I take another beer, and sing to the night