Parousia of Madness

Obizeth | 05.08.2012 | Black Metal
10.00   567 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

Pushing the boundaries
which never existed
The internal flow disturbed
in human psyche
The masshysteria
of collapsed beliefs
That makes the fauna
as the one we know

Creating a paradox
to explain ourselves
To makes us a whole
to make us existent
Creating a religion
to explain the world
To give us the right
to destroy ourselves
The rational reason
that follows the God's will

As we became
An eyesore of universe
Given the opportunity
to think further than sanity
Giving us the rights
to turn ourselves into madness
And as we become
as the antics of our thoughts


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Varhainen Valo 19.12.2012
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