Not Worth Of Your Love

Pop No Harm | 09.01.2012 | Pop

Tämäkin kappale lojui pöytälaatikossa 7 vuotta ennen sovitusta. Stephen Hawkingin mielestä naiset ovat täysi arvoitus, tämä laulu pohdiskelee kenties joitain tämän näkökannan aspekteja.

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Kappaleen sanat

Not worth of your love (2005)

All I want is to share
sunrises you don't care,
I wake up to watch you swim
your normal morning routines
you are always in trim,
gold fish in a glass bowl
why don't you let me
borrow your bath towel,
I can't dive deeper
to look into your den
into your privacy.

Say that I'm not worth for you
say that I'm not worth of your love
don't whisper, it's not too late
be honest with your true mate
just say it say it say it
can't you just admit
you only want to quit.

Why do you still want to stay
I'm not the easy way,
I gave you the map of my mind
but still the essence of me
you couldn't find.
Did you like the garden walk?
Old oaks by the gate?
closed lips never talk,
you wrinkled your eyebrows
stared at the calm pond
through the passing day.




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