What Colors You Want To See?


Tieteen ja uskonnon (ja varsinkin uskonnon) nimissä ihmistä on manipuloitu vuosituhansia. Tämä biisi sai alkunsa taannoisesta homokeskustelusta ja yleensäkin ns. vähemmistöihin suhtautumisesta. Ajatteleva ihminen ymmärtää kuuluvansa itsekin aina ja jatkuvasti moniin vähemmistöihin. Ja jos joku sanoo olevansa umpihetero, hän se vasta tosi pieneen vähemmistöön kuuluukin... Tekstiä varten tutustuin sateenkaaren kulttuurihistoriaan tieteessä ja uskonnoissa. Tragikoomista luettavaa oli.

0.00   393 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

Purple for Homer the only one kind
You must see he was blind
Two for Noah who drifted at sea
At least he saw red and green
Seneca’s fifth was fire
Marcellinus added little carmine
Isaac Newton he only saw six
So he had to make tricks

From only lonely one as far as two million
Depending on your view of life and opinion

Do you believe in your eyes?
Do you believe in science?
Do you believe in your opinions?
Do you believe in religions?

What Colors You Want To See

Allah says: Four is the truth
But for whom the truth is for?
Buddha had many numbers in head
Fortunately seven was left
So did the Pope, he had poor imagination
The Holy Spirit bribed him
In the Bible you can’t find one line
Not one word, not one time

From only lonely one as far as two million
Depending on your view of life and opinion

Do you believe in your eyes?
Do you believe in science?
Do you believe in your opinions?
Do you believe in religions?

What Colors You Want To See


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