MIND-A-STRAY | 04.10.2011 | Metal

Kuuntele tämä uudelleenmiksattu ja -masteroitu versio. Tämä halkaisee kallosi !!

8.50   629 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

Feeling times of sickness
Strive for going on
Sometimes I get higher
And then I’m feeling strong

Wishing you to love me
And songs I bring to hear
Spreading endless story
Of lunacy and fear

But do they care, hey, it’s all right
I will not fall without a fight

These times are sent to try us
And Metal souls to bear
Production shit they’re playing
It makes me fucking scared

All I want to give you
Is the sound of revel voice
And every way I see it
I haven’t got no choice

I know you care, yeah, you’re all right!
You cannot fall without a fight

I’m just a soldier
And fight on Metal music’s side

You cannot run, you cannot get away
It’s just a feeling
But you have felt it all your life
It’s coming closer, join the ride….

Of steamtrain
Its action crushing all

Its servants ‘til you fall

Will make the weakest cry

Join the ride or die
Now that you are with me
You stay and hang on tight
Enjoy the ride of steamtrain
That leads us to the light

All the weak and “Yo-man”s
Take your rap elsewhere
You don’t know the heart of music
Cause your own heart ain’t sincere

But do you care, hey, it’s all right
Metal won’t fall without a fight
I’m just a soldier
And fight on Metal music’s side

You cannot run, you cannot get away
You might not love me
But I am the driver on its seat
It’s coming closer, join the ride….

Of Steamtrain
Full speed ahead !!!!

Feeling times of sickness
Strive for going on
Sometimes I get higher
And then I’m feeling strong

Wishing you to love me
And songs I bring to hear
Spreading endless story
Of energy and steel

And do you know? Yeah, I am right
No need to ask you to join and to fight
No you do care, yeah! It’s alright!
Metal won’t fall without a fight

I’m just a soldier
And fight on Metal music’s side

You cannot run, you cannot get away
It’s just a feeling

But you have felt it all your life
It’s buried deep into your heart…
…and it will find its way out on these endless rails
Of steamtrain
Its action crushing all

Its servants ‘til you fall

Will make the weakest cry

Join the ride or die

Religion is a fraud

There is no other God

You need to no more pray

You belong to MIND-A-STRAY


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Nivunen 04.12.2011
Jee, tykkäsin! Ette kulje suorinta reittiä, mikä on aina kunnioitettavaa. Olette käyttäneet jänniä sointuyhdistelmiä ja sävelkulkuja. Energistä menoa ja soittokin sujuu! Keep on rocking!
+2   +1 +2
TommyDee 23.11.2011
NYT uudelleen miksattu ja masteroitu entistä tykimpi versio! Halkaiskaa tällä kallonne \m/
0   +1 +2
Ted Nugentti II 13.11.2011
tää o perkelee kova. taidokasta ja sielukasta kamaa. junalaulu. hei mieki tein äsken junalaulun. mikäs junabuumi täs nyt on menossa kaikilla.
+2   +1 +2
arska-69 06.10.2011
Helvetin hyvää kamaa.Ei liian raskasta meikämannille :)
+3   +1 +2

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