
Kuttaperkkataivas | 20.06.2011 | Minimalism

Something went wrong and something went right
and now I try to understand what is it at all here
in my mind, in my body...

Sijoitus viikolla 25/2011: 27.

9.20   1361 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

- Om-Thing -

If I’m calling them, those small, those small things, they’re coming and
but there is, there is some, something blue like, like a, like a sea or, or lake or ocean
but something very, very blue
it is this color, what I have needed maybe, maybe whole my life
but I can’t say what I’m, I’m feeling now
it’s the physical pain, not, not in, in my mind, not in, in, not in my mind, not in my mind
it’s, it’s pain in my legs and, and in, in my back and my shoulders
my mind, my body, my everything what’s mine, in, in my space, in my area
in, in my very difficult life.

They, they live at nights, they, they are around me, and, and I, I don’t want to see them
I don’t want to see them, because they’re not real, yeahh, but they’re there
every single night, every single night they are there
and here and there and where and there and, I, I can’t stand it anymore.

He is like a big rock, big rock and, and it, it grows a mountain
a mountain which is living in my house
I hope that the birds, the birds are singing in, in my rooms and they, they, they will fly free
and they are not the singing bird, they are growing, they, they are, yes, I know
they are the black and green birds, they are, they have very sharp beaks
but I love them, yeahh, I love them as I love you.

Something went wrong and something went right
and now I try to understand what is it at all here in my mind, in my body
I have two eyes, I have hands, legs, but I have a big bubble and it’s full of
it’s full of different sorrows.

If I call you, do you come here, do you come here
do you, do you take a step and the other, and the other and also
step by step by step by step by step by step by step by step by step
maybe, maybe you can run, maybe you can travel, maybe you can, you can fly
maybe you are the what the some, some crow there outside, yeahh
I, I think that I know who you can be, because this a big one crow it
it came very often under my window and we, we looked at our each others, yeahh.

But now I search something, I search something some very personal
I’m not cruel, I’m not cruel, I’m not cruel, I’m not cruel, I’m
I’m the woman who needs, who needs the same as everyone
but why the Mother Earth hasn’t give to me what I need
is it my turn to dive into sea very deep and find there my harmony
do you understand, don’t leave me.

It’s raining now and my, my tears are like the rain
if I sing now like, like I feel, so it’s not a sing or song, it’s, it’s my innermost’s voice.

Very personal.


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Susimies 01.03.2012
hienosti luot äänellä ja sanoilla sekä äänenkäytöllä erilaisia mielikuvia :)
+2   +1 +2
Marcus_H 21.01.2012
Hymyilin ja hyvä fiilis. Kiitos. Ei ees pelota.
+2   +1 +2
Susimies 17.01.2012
tosi pelottava mutta pitää kehua että tosi upeesti saitte luotua nimenomaan sellasia mielikuvia ja tunnelmia kuuntelijalle, upeita "äänimaisemia" vai miten sitä sanotaan :)
+2   +1 +2
T.Rautakari 04.12.2011
Tämä ansaitsisi videon. Hieno!
+2   +1 +2
makes69 10.11.2011
Avangarde!!! Great !!
+2   +1 +2
Marcus_H 24.09.2011
kiitos tarinasta. sun gonna be shine at your nightmares.
+2   +1 +2
Black Dog 08.07.2011
Elämän tuska repii ja raastaa. Paljon rankempaa kamaa kuin örinähevi, eikä tarvita alhaalle viritettyjä kitaroita ja äänivallia, vaan puhdas tuskaisa lausunta.
+2   +1 +2
J. Hifish 05.07.2011
Tuskaa löytyy, mutta yli hilseen meni tämä ainakin melkein. Enkä nyt syytä vierasta kieltä, vaan olisi tämä suomeksikin lausuttuna sellaista kuumehouruisen sekavaa jorinaa, jossa puurot ja vellit ovat pahasti sekaisin. Mutta juuri sellaisena tämän nyt otan vastaan ja lopuksi ymmärrän sen juuri sellaiseksi tarkoitetuksi.
+2   +1 +2
BullHill mja 21.06.2011
ahistaa, ahistaa, se tästä kuvastuu.. kun paikat ovat kipeänä ja muutenkin elo vaikeaa, miksi ne kivut tulevat aina yöaikaan voimakkaammiksi, kasvavat niin ettei saa levätyksi, levollista unta keholle ja mielelle kun siihen olisi tarve.
+2   +1 +2