
ArchiTorture | 15.03.2011 | Thrash Metal

Biisi nimetty bändimme alkuperäisnimen mukaan. Ihan vitun nopea. Tekninen taituruus on sitä, että voi soittaa täysiä välittämättä biisin aikana soitetuista virheistä. Tässä haluaisimme lainata Mohandas Gandhia: "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." Biisin sanoma on varsin päinvastainen suhteessa edellä lainattuun.

10.00   570 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

Walking this path I’m not alone
Got a friend to trust in beside me
Same aims, same motives, like-minded
All my faith laid on one man
Suddenly I feel like my chest’s on aflame
Not aware of why but I can feel the pain
Stabbed back, betrayed by a trusted friend
My world collapses as I go insane

Treachery, deceit, treason, deception
Dying, cursing, raging, beyond death
Searing anger takes control
Vengeance guides my fate

Massive force of hate
An urge to suffocate
An overflowing bloodthirst
About to incarnate
Returning from the dead
Hatred inside my head
Rotting walking corpse
With thirst for revenge
Despair, confusion, disappointment
All my surging feelings alter to hate
Too much rage too much thoughts
To keep my mind calm
Knowing I won’t make it till dawn

Dying too slowly with suffering
Not afraid to die but there’s another thing
What if I can’t make it to avenge
Then it’s up to my corpse to take my sweet revenge

Thirst for revenge!

Drop down dead white knuckle tight
Not alive but still my eyes burn bright
Fueled by hate, my body begins to rise
Before daylight the deceiver dies

I will thrash your body and send your soul to hell

Cruel kill warm blood flows on the floor
But still my hate desires for more
A thrill to hunt down more and innocent
To satisfy my needs so violent
Gripping my blade so very tight
This black shape disappears in to the night
Spreading terror and fear and I'm getting near
Too late to run because I’m already here

Treachery, deceit, treason, deception
Dying, cursing, raging, beyond death
Searing anger takes control
Vengeance guides my fate

Massive force of hate
An urge to suffocate
An overflowing bloodthirst
About to incarnate
Returning from the dead
Hatred inside my head
Rotting walking corpse
With thirst for revenge
Despair, confusion, disappointment
All my surging feelings alter to hate
Too much rage too much thoughts
To keep my mind calm
Hate incarnate now rages on earth


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Ank3rias 12.10.2012
Erinomainen rässiviisu! Näin tätä hommaa kuuluu tehdä.
0   +1 +2

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