
Pop No Harm | 15.02.2010 | Jazz

Spiritualistista jatsia eli melko kaukana popista tällä kertaa...

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Kappaleen sanat

Human (2002)

Wake up, wake up
for the moment of passion
don't let me down
my precious little dragon,
fill me with strength
give me the flame
I want to be the beast
no-one can tame.

Prepare me
for the battle of mankind
my body's the armour
in the fight for my mind
I'm only human
vehicle of soul
the world divide us
but I want to be
complete and whole.

Warn me about
warriors of matter
my spiritual balance
they try to shatter,
give me the words
stronger than guns
bullets that kill
by the power of puns.


Is there room for
compassion and kindness
when each day around
is violent and mindless?
I want to express
the human inside
but sense and emotions
in real world will collide.



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