Caterpillar's Crest
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Mainosta kappaletta Mikserin etusivulla 3 tuntia. Lähetä viesti:
MIKSERI MAINOS 409226 numeroon 173172 (1,90€)
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Kappaleen sanat
we are kind of same, the sword i
we are kind of same, the shield and i
we are kind of same, house of mine
we are kind of same, pain of mine
there's a giant caterpillar under my flooahhhhh,
bigger, meaner, worm than ever befoahhh!
my sword kills the satans child. it cries and takes a last breath from shiny, bloody sword. luck has nothing to do with this.
my own son is a son of caterpillars crest. i take the heart from my burn it awayyyyhhh, to hell i mean.