Snowhearth (Whitedream) {Ice Cold Kiss}


Snowhite dream with ice cold kiss. Flavour of cold winter warms you with a kiss of love. Snow and in love with winter. Ice cold infinitive weather with
no end. blue ice and white flakes of snow. warm sence with eternal sorrow. I love you forever Yeni and I guess we never be together but take my ice cold kiss with you. No man loves you more than me. Snowhite sorrow. love more than life.

A Commercial about what i am to do. Hypnosis to change my lifetime...

Wouldn't it be nice if you could change at least some important aspects of your past? Or accelerate the mastery of new skills?

New History Generator uses Time-Line (NLP) technique, or what is in hypnosis usually referred to as a Time Distortion. It is one of my favorite techniques for creating changes across time, and you can use it to improve any area of your life.

Time distortion is very much about playing games with your memory - deleting or altering those you don't like or those that are disempowering or creating and impressing upon your subconscious mind and your neurology those that are empowering you and helping you get your outcomes faster.

Time and memory are subjective experiences and that's why you can change them any way you like. When you dream during the night, within a few minutes you can experience an entire life-time. You can do the same with hypnosis to alter your personal history the way you'd like it.

What you are changing with New History Generator are primarily mental and emotional imprints. However, when you change something in your mind and emotions, sooner or later, this also has an effect in the physical world.

If you have suffered an injury, you can literally erase it from your subconscious mind and from your neurology as if it never happened, and your body will respond accordingly.

If you're working on developing certain skills, within fifteen minutes of hypnosis, you can program your neurology with hours and even years of practice. If you need skills, resources and solutions you don't have yet, you can travel to a time in the future. Your mind is amazing, you can go to any point in time, just like that, using only your imagination), get the resources you need and take them back in the past, then relive your past as if you had all of these resources all along.

If you grew up with abuse to the point that it's affecting your life in disempowering way today - you can re-enact your entire life the way you would've preferred that it turned out - feeling strong, powerful and able to stand-up for yourself. If you grew up in unsupportive environment where people around you put you down and discouraged you from following your dreams, can you imagine how your life would be different if you could change that bit from your past and re-live your life as if you were always encouraged and supported?

If you wish you had some talents and abilities you don't possess or if you feel that time has passed you by - you can bring it back, and impress these talents and abilities upon your subconscious and in your neurology to the point that they feel like a second nature to you.

Or, perhaps you'd like to "test drive" new beliefs and life-styles and re-live your life as if you had them all along and notice if they are suitable for you and if you'd like to keep them.

Your subconscious mind accepts as "real" whatever you choose to feel "real" regardless whether the event actually happened or was completely created in your imagination.

Perhaps you're familiar with the creation of false memories - and one of the reasons that hypnosis evidence is either not admissible in court or that there are certain procedures involved in forensic hypnosis - it's true, a hypnotist (or any person for that matter) can change another person's memory. This is also, by the way, a good method of beating lie detectors - if you re-create the memory of the specific event in your subconscious and in your neurology - you'd be able to present your "truth" congruently as if it were actually the case.

After all, it's often the case, if you ask several people who witnessed the event to describe it - their descriptions may be vastly different, so different that it may seem that they are all talking about different events. Most people don't do this on purpose - their memories are simply based on their own interpretations and these interpretations get mixed with other events and over time do become quite distorted.

Knowing that fact about memory, you may as well create memories that are empowering your present and future life and contributing to your general wellbeing.

The purpose of New History Generator is to help you create automatic responses that will help you get faster the outcomes you're after. Your outlook in life, your behavior, the choices you make will be based upon the ideas and beliefs, upon the conditioning impressed upon your subconscious mind and your neurology.

The New History Generator Deep Trance Hypnosis and NLP CD will help you to create a new personal history - to impress new memory upon your subconscious mind and your neurology - whether you'd like to change one experience or the whole environment you grew up and the conditioning that was impressed upon you for the purpose of helping create the desired experiences in your life faster and with less effort.

The New History Generator subliminal, supraliminal, and supraliminal plusrecordings contain only direct suggestions for effortless change - the actual process and technique are described only on hypnosis CD, and I recommend that you use New History Generator hypnosis recordings as the main recording, and use other recordings as boosters.

10.00   284 kuuntelua


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