Mogwai (demo)

Xombie | 27.08.2009 | Post-Rock

Lopullinen yksin tehty demoversio. Uusi sovitus kahdelle kitaralle, ja jaettu vasemmalle ja oikealle. 270809.

0.00   110 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

each and every day
sing the same old song
a lullaby
to dreams
we held in our youth
we've come far
but we never moved

The breath is the air
the heart is on fire
the blood the flow of water
the earth the temple of our being

absolute nothingness in vain
obscured by thoughts of the mundane
we walk, but we never take steps
we've come far but we never actually moved
(step back, step back)
(shake loose the preconcienved thoughts)

the breath is the air
the heart is on fire
the blood the flow of water
the temple is the earth



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