The Paradox (demo)

Xombie | 24.08.2009 | Indie

Alkuvuodesta 2008 sävelletty, sanat loppuvuodesta 2008, laulettu alkuvuodesta 2009 ja kitarat nauhoitettu 240809.

0.00   134 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

Dealing with reality,
nothing satisfies my thirst for knowledge.
Seemingly unending, my quest for answers,
my quest for self-deception.

I am the paradox:
a free-willed being prearranged.
No way to ascertain if I am real.

Used to know what to do,
but now it's time to admit I'm at a loss.
Addled and unsure how to discern between
truth and illusion.

This is the paradox:
the more I learn, the less I know.
No way of measuring the dephts of truth.


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