Fisted by christs

Kanzer | 07.06.2009 | --

Omistettu Mäntysen Akille.

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Kappaleen sanat

Crawling on Golgata. Fisted by christs.

Queer-Jesus, stick it in. I am the Jerusalem-transvestite.
I know you´re tired with children. They did not come to you,
you came on them.

Crawling on Golgata. Fisted by christs.

Genetic-Christ, come as you swarm. Fuck your servants.
Divine rapist, like your father was. And fuck your mother.
She never got cock as i recall.

Bestiality, Ride your donkey. Seeds of this animal
on your face, god´s grace.

Dobbelfaust punisher, sodomizing Josef.
Such a pussy-ass impotent wimp.

Crawling on Golgata. Fisted by christs.

You died. We dug you up and raped your corpse.
Why let heaven take our pleasure away?

And you lied. I know you died for our sins. Not because of them.

Waiting for a good fuck, by the fists of christs!


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