Paradise Hallusination
Puhdasta häröilyä
Mixed by Tomi Ranta-Kahila
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Kappaleen sanat
Do you know the feeling when room around you is getting smaller?
Everything around me do so breathing is getting just harder
And I took those pills again,
the life's ridiculous,
someone please just kill me and I don't care.
Somebody break my skull and gut off my arms and legs
So I won't need to try to breathe because I'm running out of oxygen.
What like it feels to be dead?
I figure not as good as when you run and leave behind city lights
and you smile.
Well human beings are jerks
like lonely drunks in a park with no real work
I'm apathic human girl
This is another world
fuck up the real meant to be on earth
and I'm messed human girl.
Do you know the feeling what makes you jump around the walls?
When no one's there but you want to scream on edge before you fall
I stand in the middle of highway,
watch everything waste away,
dignity is price that I just need to pay.
When the dark comes in night it reminds me about the damned
how I need to sacrifice my feelings until they're all dead
Someones place the limits
Someones speak just bullshit
and someones just try to swim through the sulphuric acid.
Human beings are jerks
like lonely drunks in a park with no real work
I'm apathic human girl
This is another world
fuck up the real meant of pretty words
And I'm messed human girl
Do you know the feeling when you're running out of alternatives?
And you acts make you feel yourself anything but human being
And you know it's all your fault
Cause when you sell your soul
You're like naked in dark and you are cold.
I should stop it before I started still I just carry on,
my state of mind is my private armageddon.
I got an inspiration,
paradise hallusination,
when world fades away I die in isolation.