To Enlighten The Astral Experience


Grindstroke/Morgue After Midnight -splitiltä.

Säv./san./sov. V.Muona

9.50   300 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

a) The Dream Inside The Dream

To search - to sacrifice
To travel - to find
To intend - To mean
To wake in the dream inside the dream...

b) Sharing The Experience


Waking up in something called reality
(cold reality)
Making my best to forget what's real
(nothing is real)

(The Start:)

Time moves so slowly
I feel I cannot sleep
But I'm so close, I know
There is something in there
Unexplored, not to be told
Seldom revealed, often met
The will to go, the urge to go
To discover

I'm getting older
I'm in a hurry now
Running away, towards something
My cognition illustrates a path...
Leaders, not followers
The task is at hand
This world was never enough
Although there's too much to be controlled

(The ideal:)

Floating in the arms of space
The veil of blur reveals me anew
The secrets of being...
I won't understand what it's all about
Until I let the self step over that bound
Where the surreal becomes real
Where the end is the start
The journey of the brave
Led so many to their mental graves
The chance is a chance to be taken

(The Tribulation:)

Oh my fucking God
I can't do it
Am I up to this
Do I end up as a fucking mess?

And then it was quiet
And then it was nice
And then it was quiet
And then it was

And then it was quiet
And then it was nice
And then it was quiet
And then it was...

I'm hearing those fucking bells again

Just a few steps away from my mental deprivation

(The Falling:)

The hands of clock
Are pacing faster
I'm getting past the purgatory

To search - to sacrifice
To travel - to find
To intend - To mean
I'm done dreaming

(The Euphoria:)

So this is it...
So this is it...
So this is it, huh...


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C-Thru 18.11.2008

Muutama tiukankuulonen perusmelodianpätkä ja rouheet soundit.

Tää eepos ois ollu helvetisti hienompi ilman tota kuuden minuutin jälkeen tulevaa kukkaketokohtausta. Tosin en tiedä yhen kuuntelun perusteella, onko sillä joku erittäin olennainen syy tarinankerronan kannalta tms henk.koht. painoarvo. Tekis mieli sanoo, et pikkusen liian ison palan oot haukannu kakasta, mut en sano. Oisin antanu kasin, mut kunnianhimosta pisteen nousu, ja jos oisit vähän paremmin saanu pidettyä tän kasassa, ni kymppi olis kolahtanu.

Pitää kyl pari kertaa vielä pyöräyttää - riittää nimittäin varmasti nyansseja löydettäväks.
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