Covered in White

Dismay | 21.10.2008 | Melodic Death

Sävel Rauvola & sanat Rämö.

9.00   1109 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

Among this lack of light that we linger
with all relations reduced to none

as the land is benighted with winter
we take the cheapest getaway from ourselves

this misery comes as heritage of blood
and melancholy is considered a virtue

For all has been covered in ice for so long
and it has been months since I've seen the sun

this misery comes as heritage of blood
and melancholy is considered a virtue

Embrace me with your frost
and warm this surrounding cold
As Mother North takes care of her own
In her arms everyone dies alone

So lay your head down child,
and I'll cover you in white
turn that frown upside down
because in this drift of snow
I shall fade your woes

I am frozen by her hands (Sleep now)
by her hair hailing down on me (Forgive me)
As I lapse into her touch (I had forgotten)
into her devouring glacial eyes (Don't slip away)

She is the one who shall slay me to rest
(I am the one who shall lay you to rest)

Embrace me with your frost
and warm this surrounding cold
As Mother North takes care of her own
In her arms everyone dies alone


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miik 17.10.2009
Hienoa naislaulua kuuluu muutamassa kohdassa tosi kauniisti. Voisiko sitä tuoda vielä enemmän kuuluville?? Jyhkeää soitantoa ja laulua kaikenkaikkiaan, oikein hyvä, lisää vaan
0   +1 +2
Pseudonyymi 10.10.2009
Todella toimiva sävellys ja toteutuskin potkii todella kovaa. Varsinkin loppupään kaksiääniset laulut iskivät allekirjoittaneeseen todella kovaa. Haluaisin keksiä valittamista, mutta en onnistu.
0   +1 +2
Unfallen 25.10.2008
Hieno tunnelmallinen kappale... Hyvät voimakkaat riffit ja kunnon vyörytystäkin löytyy ;)
0   +1 +2

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